- Objectnummer1991.1016.996.E34
- TitelThe History of Reynard The Fox
- VervaardigerEmery Walker (collector), William Caxton (author), Kelmscott Press (printer), H.Halliday Sparling (editor), Bernard Quaritch (Retailer)
- BeschrijvingPrivate press book entitled 'The History of Reynard The Fox ' by William Caxton. Published by the Kelmscott Press, 1892. From the library belonging to Emery Walker.
- Vervaardiging plaatsLondon, London, London
- Datum1892-01-01 - 1892-12-31
- Vervaardiging periodeLate 19th century
- Objectnaam
- Materiaal
- Techniek
- Formaat
- h: 210mm
- w: 293mm
- diam: 16mm
- To / Emery Walker / from / William Morris / January 19th 1893