- Objectnummer1991.1016.996.F20
- TitelThe Builder
- VervaardigerW.R. Lethaby (author), Emery Walker (collector)
- BeschrijvingBook containing pages from the magazine 'The Builder' referencing the work of Philip Webb, dating from 1925 bound together. From the library belonging to Emery Walker.
- Vervaardiging plaats, London
- Datum1925-01-01 - 1925-12-31
- Vervaardiging periode20th century
- Objectnaam
- Materiaal
- Techniek
- Formaat
- h: book322mm
- w: 214mm
- diam: 7mm
- Emery Walker / 7 Hammersmith Terrace / London W.6 / 6 May 1927